Ket Quantum Programming¶
Ket Quantum Programming is an open-source platform that provides dynamic interaction between classical and quantum data at the programming level, streamlining classical-quantum development. The platform has three main projects:
Ket is an embedded programming language that introduces the ease of Python to quantum programming, letting anyone quickly prototype and test a quantum application. (Ket repo)
Libket is the runtime library for the Ket language, but one can use it for quantum acceleration on embedded systems using C/C++ or Rust. (Libket repo)
Ket Bitwise Simulator (KBW) is a noise-free quantum computer simulator that allows anyone to test quantum applications on classical computers. KBW features two simulation methods: Dense simulation based on state vector simulation and Sparse simulation based on the Bitwise representation. (KBW repo)
Getting started with Ket¶
python3 -m pip install ket-lang
You can execute a quantum application using Python interpreter. For example:
from ket import *
p = Process()
a, b = p.alloc(2)
CNOT(H(a), b)
To run the code above, use the command python3
$ python3
|00⟩ (50.00%)
0.707107 ≅ 1/√2
|11⟩ (50.00%)
0.707107 ≅ 1/√2
Example: Quantum Teleportation¶
With the quantum teleportation protocol, one can transfer quantum information from one qubit to another using a pair of entangled qubits and quantum measurements.
import ket
def entangle(a: Quant, b: Quant):
return CNOT(H(a), b)
def teleport(quantum_message: Quant, entangled_qubit: Quant):
adj(entangle)(quantum_message, entangled_qubit)
return measure(entangled_qubit).value, measure(quantum_message).value
def decode(classical_message: tuple[int, int], qubit: Quant):
if classical_message[0] == 1:
if classical_message[1] == 1:
if __name__ == "__main__":
p = ket.Process(execution="live")
alice_message = p.alloc() # alice_message = |0⟩
ket.H(alice_message) # alice_message = |+⟩
ket.Z(alice_message) # alice_message = |–⟩
alice_qubit, bob_qubit = entangle(p.alloc(2))
classical_message = teleport(
decode(classical_message, bob_qubit)
ket.H(bob_qubit) # bob_qubit = |1⟩
bob_m = ket.measure(bob_qubit)
print("Expected measure 1, result =", bob_m.value)
$ python
Expected measure 1, result = 1
Used by¶
Cite Ket¶
When using Ket for research projects, please cite:
Evandro Chagas Ribeiro da Rosa and Rafael de Santiago. 2021. Ket Quantum Programming. J. Emerg. Technol. Comput. Syst. 18, 1, Article 12 (January 2022), 25 pages.
author = {Evandro Chagas Ribeiro da Rosa and Rafael de Santiago},
title = {Ket Quantum Programming},
year = {2021},
issue_date = {January 2022},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
volume = {18},
number = {1},
issn = {1550-4832},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3474224},
journal = {J. Emerg. Technol. Comput. Syst.},
month = {oct},
articleno = {12},
numpages = {25},
keywords = {Quantum programming, cloud quantum computation, qubit simulation}
Download the original article that proposes the Ket language: pdf
Ket API Documentation¶
Ket Quantum Programming Platform. |